Wee Hee!!!We have just finished presenting the documentary this morning after completing hours before. To be frank,it's seems completed by 11.30pm, but after some 'minor adjustments' its almost 3am =_= The file isn't compressed to preserve a higher quality video.However, this caused it to reach 1gb in size=_='''
The A minor pose number 4
Presentation feedback:
Mr. Mustaffa:Good job guys,but there are still potential areas for improvement.
Mr. Norman:One thing when I listen to the background music, I can tell that you didn't use the programme I specified to edit your sisters songs(keyboard recording)
Mr. Norman:There's a bit of distortion in the sound when your sister is talking.
Mr. Norman:I don't think that particular part should be included in your sister's script.You should edit it off.
We also had some great time watching other groups' documentary.Some involving, snakes swallowing a rat,ghost hunting expedition and loud shattering noise formed by slowing down the motion of prawn smashing.
The judges encouraged us to do a bit of editing before burning the show in a DVD but we were contented enough(and lazy). Will love to upload the video here but....it's 1gb =_=''''''''''''''''
What's in the left to do list is the DVD burning and some contract signing by the cast.
-Jeremy Song